Berikut merupakan contoh position paper yang dipresentasikan oleh perwakilan UGM MUN Community, Nyimas Giakara Yuriandra pada pemaparan mengenai teknis pembuatan position paper :
Committee : United Nations Security Council
Country : Bosnia-Herzegovina
Delegate : Jhendra A. Samodra and Nyimas Giakara Yuriandra
University : Universitas Gadjah Mada
Topic Area: Nuclear-Free Middle East
“To reaffirm the commitment of the countries to seek a safer world and create conditions for the world free of nuclear weapons” (Sven Alkalaj – Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia-Herzegovina)
Standing on the noble goal of Security Council in maintaining international peace and security, the Government of Bosnia-Herzegovina recognizes the issue of Nuclear in Middle East as the emerging and increasing problems for global society.
As a state party of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Bosnia-Herzegovina is fully committed to implementing the Treaty and stands ready to contribute to the international efforts to ensure its universality as a long term goal in promotion of security and prevention of proliferation of nuclear weapons in the world. Bosnia-Herzegovina strongly supports the efforts to resolve the tension on current nuclear possession and prevent further tension in the region.
Taking participation to the problem, Bosnia-Herzegovina `s responsibility is not limited to the global effort in supporting the nuclear-non proliferation on Middle-East, but moving further on:
1. Recommends the council to create the bold stance on nuclear problems in Middle-East by having the common consensus and practical solvency which involving all parties. The council shall put the comparative advantage of the security council in actually implementing the solvency
2. Initiates the specific talk between respectable countries involved in nuclear possession on Middle-East in order to achieve the consensus of decreasing the tension of problems in the region.
3. Reinforces the function of current bodies and treaties on nuclear problems in resolving the region tension. The council shall put its full supports to IAEA, NPT, and CTBTO, in order to magnify their function toward the respectable countries on nuclear.
4. Encourages the transparency and review on nuclear programs in Middle-East. The transparency is highly paramount due to its benefit in enlightening the doubt on goal in nuclear programs of respectable countries.
5. Supports the use of nuclear as long as it`s aimed for the creation of peace, which implemented as the optimizing nuclear as the energy resources. The implementation of nuclear for peace thus shall be assigned by the international bodies in developing it.
Upon the Situation in Middle-East, Bosnia-Herzegovina emphasizes that all measures within the United Nations can be treated by the involvement and integration of all members of the United Nations. Towards the end, Bosnia-Herzegovina believes that the problem on Middle-East is now becoming the problem for the entire world and all countries has the same responsibility in resolving the problems by magnifying the integrity of all nations.
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